Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking to 25,000 civil rights marchers at end of Selma to Montgomery, Alabama march, March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

State troopers arrayed on steps of Montgomery, Alabama State House. Officials on top steps, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Marchers, with boys holding their American flags, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 25, 1965
20 x 16 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
40 x 30 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

On the Road to Montgomery: City College of New York (CCNY) students sleeping overnight on bus to meet up with the Selma to Montgomery civil rights march, on March 24, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking before crowd of 25,000 civil rights marchers, in front of Montgomery, Alabama state capital building. Selma To Montgomery Alabama Civil Rights March, March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

People on street corner watching marchers, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March; March 23-25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

White hecklers yelling and gesturing at marchers, Selma to Montgomery Alabama Civil Rights March, March 24-26, 1965
20 x 16 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
40 x 30 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Rooftop troops guarding marchers passing in front of "The Brown Printing Company", Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 24-26, 1965
20 x 16 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
40 x 30 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Selma to Montgomery civil rights marchers passing by house with people, African-American and white man holding small American flag in Montgomery, Alabama on March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Hecklers, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama civil Rights March, March 24-26, 1965
20 x 16 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
40 x 30 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Dr. Martin Luther King at head of march, with wife Coretta Scott King, John Lewis, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 23-25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Crowd listening raptly to speech of Dr. Martin Luther King at the foot of State Capital. Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Andrew Young with hand over heart, after singing the National Anthem; Bernard King, and on right John Lewis, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March; March 25, 1965
20 x 16 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
40 x 30 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Joan Baez, folk singer, in front of State Troopers, Montgomery Alabama State House. Conclusion of Selma To Montgomery Alabama Civil Rights March, March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Young boys with "UAW" (United Auto Workers) paper hats, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 23-25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Two mothers with children watching marchers on porch, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 23-25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

Front line of marchers, Selma to Montgomery, Alabama Civil Rights March, March 24-26, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10

"Things Go Better With Coke" sign and multi-generational family watching marchers, Selma To Montgomery Civil Rights March, March 25, 1965
16 x 20 inches, Silver Gelatin Photograph, Edition of 25
30 x 40 inches, Archival Pigment Print, Edition of 10