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Der Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Group), 1975-76

Der Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Group), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15
49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Three Women), 1975-76

Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Three Women), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15
72-3/4 x 49-1/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Die Spaecher, (The Look-outs), 1975-76

Die Spaecher, (The Look-outs), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15
49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Vor der Ringkampf, (Before the Ring Battle, Nuba), 1962-77, 49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Vor der Ringkampf, (Before the Ring Battle, Nuba), 1962-77

49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Auf dem Dorfplatz, (The Village Square of Kau), 1975-76, 49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Auf dem Dorfplatz, (The Village Square of Kau), 1975-76

49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Yamila, (Jamila), 1975-76

Yamila, (Jamila), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15
49-1/4 x 72-3/4 (approx.) Color Photograph Mounted on Plexi, Ed. 10

Wasserstelle, (Watering-Place), 1975-76

Wasserstelle, (Watering-Place), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Two Women), 1975-76

Liebestanz, (Dance of Love, Two Women), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Harfenspieler, (Harp Players), 1962-77

Harfenspieler, (Harp Players), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Maske, (Mask, Black Lines on Face), 1975-76

Maske, (Mask, Black Lines on Face), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Ascha Tanzt, (Ascha Dances, Dance of Love), 1975-76

Ascha Tanzt, (Ascha Dances, Dance of Love), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Auf dem Dorfplatz, (In the Village Square), 1975-76

Auf dem Dorfplatz, (In the Village Square), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Maske, (Mask, Red Top with Feathers), 1975-76

Maske, (Mask, Red Top with Feathers), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Kiki, (Kiki, Dance of Love), 1975-76

Kiki, (Kiki, Dance of Love), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Gua, (Gua), 1962-77

Gua, (Gua), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Messerkaempfer, (Knife Fighters), 1975-76

Messerkaempfer, (Knife Fighters), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Der Verlierer, (The Loser), 1975-76

Der Verlierer, (The Loser), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Maske, (Mask, Black and White Face), 1975-76

Maske, (Mask, Black and White Face), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Taetowierung, (Tattoo), 1975-76

Taetowierung, (Tattoo), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Taetowierung, (Tattoo, Close-Up), 1975-76

Taetowierung, (Tattoo, Close-Up), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Maske, (Mask, Yellow Paint), 1975-76

Maske, (Mask, Yellow Paint), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Erntearbelt, (Harvesting), 1962-77

Erntearbelt, (Harvesting), 1962-77

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Maske, (Mask, Making a Mask), 1975-76

Maske, (Mask, Making a Mask), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Tutu, (Tutu, Dance of Love), 1975-76

Tutu, (Tutu, Dance of Love), 1975-76

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Wassertraegerin, (Water Carrier), 1962-77

Wassertraegerin, (Water Carrier), 1962-77

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Zeremonie, (Ceremonie), 1962-77

Zeremonie, (Ceremonie), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Totenwaechter, (Wake), 1962-77

Totenwaechter, (Wake), 1962-77

22-1/4 x 16-1/2 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Morgentoilette, (Morning Toilet), 1962-77

Morgentoilette, (Morning Toilet), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Totenweihe, (Death Consecration), 1962-77

Totenweihe, (Death Consecration), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Am Abend, (In the Evening), 1975-76

Am Abend, (In the Evening), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

In Tiefer Trauer, (In Deep Mourning), 1962-77

In Tiefer Trauer, (In Deep Mourning), 1962-77

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15

Nuba Dorf, (Nuba Village), 1975-76

Nuba Dorf, (Nuba Village), 1975-76

16-1/2 x 22-1/4 (approx.) Dye Transfer, Ed. 15